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How to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile to Help You Get a New Job

Regardless of the industry that you work in, you need to invest time into building your personal brand, and LinkedIn is a key part of doing so. A lot of people are unsure how to market themselves, but it’s an important process for getting a new job. This is where your LinkedIn profile comes in. LinkedIn is a great way to showcase your skills, abilities and experience, and it’s a way to network with other people in your industry. We’ve put together some advice to help your boost your LinkedIn for maximum impact.

Top Ways to Boost Your LinkedIn Profile 

  • Choose a Good Profile Picture – Your LinkedIn profile picture is one of the first things that someone will see of you, and first impressions really do count. You should make sure that the picture is recent, and that it looks like you, and your face should take up a lot of the image. You should avoid photographs that are taken from far away, and ensure that you are wearing professional workwear.


  • Your Headline Should Be More Than a Job Title – A lot of people simply put their job title in their LinkedIn headline, but you should use this space to describe your role in more detail and highlight what makes you stand out as a professional. It’s an opportunity for you to sell yourself.


  • Tell a Story With Your Summary – Use your summary to tell the story of your career, and really highlight the journey that you have been on. Instead of simply listing your skills and previous job titles, focus on why your skills matter and how your experience can make a difference to a business. Be sure to include keywords which recruiters can utilise to find your profile.


  • Grow Your LinkedIn Network – It’s important to grow your LinkedIn network, as this will connect you to relevant people within your industry. By synching your email address book, LinkedIn will suggest people that you could connect with, reminding you of people that you have worked with before, or those who are in your industry. It’s also a good idea to follow up meetings and conversations with LinkedIn requests, as this will keep your network up to date.


  • Take Skills Assessments – When you take a skills assessment on LinkedIn you are showcasing your abilities with proof. According to a study, you are 30% more likely to be hired for a role if you display proof of your abilities on your LinkedIn profile. You can retake the skills assessments on LinkedIn a number of times, and displaying your results is voluntary. So, you only need to show the assessment results that are impressive.


As you can see, there is a lot that goes into improving your LinkedIn profile, but it’s a worthwhile task. A good LinkedIn profile can make you stand out to recruiters, hiring managers, employers and industry experts, and it works as a sort of online CV. When your LinkedIn profile successfully highlights your strengths and skills, you are more likely to secure your dream job.

If you are interested in hearing more about how to improve your LinkedIn profile to secure your job contact Dovetail.

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